
This is what you are supposed to do:

1. Before next week's lesson, you have to read through the information found in the page "Features of a Narrative Composition".

2. Once you are done reading, complete the quiz via the link provided under the page "Quiz".

3. During the actual lesson, you will be divided into groups of 3 or 4, and each group will be assigned to watch 1 out of 5 videos. The videos can be found in the page "Identifying Features in Videos".

4. As a group, you are to identify:
  • the plot (including what is the exposition, rising action, climax and resolution)
  • what was the setting?
  • who were the characters?
  • what was the theme
of each narrative story as portrayed in the videos. 

5. You may leave your answers as a comment under the page "Identifying Features in Videos". Be sure to write down all your group members names!

6. GOOD LUCK! :)