Identifying Features in Videos

A.      Introduction
Previously you have completed the reading on the Features of Narrative Compositions and completed the online quiz as part of your pre-lesson activities. To re-cap, the following concept map illustrates the structure of narratives:  

B.      Today's Lesson!
We will look at narratives as depicted in music videos.  
1.  As a group, watch the video that I will assign to you.

2.  Once you are done, you will be given 10 minutes to identify:
a.  the plot (including what is the orientation, conflict, rising action, climax and resolution)
b.  what was the setting?
c.  who were the characters?
d.  what was the theme

3.  Leave your answers as a comment under this post, in the following format:

     Title of Music Video: 
a.  the plot
b.  what was the setting?
c.  who were the characters?
d.  what was the theme?
      Names of group members:

4. One representative from the group will share with the class your group’s findings.

5. After your ideas have been presented in class, you are to access the blog again at home. On your own, look through one other group's answers and ask at least one question about the narrative or their answers, in the following format:
    Re: Title of Music Video (Names of members of that group)
    Your comments

    Your name

Be constructive, not critical! 

Video 1 - "You Belong With Me" by Taylor Swift

Video 2 - "The Reason" by Hoobastank

Video 3 - "Untitled" by Simple Plan

Video 4 - "Gives You Hell" by All American Rejects

Video 5 - "Last Friday Night (TGIF)" by Katy Perry


  1. Music Video: Taylor Swift, I belong with you.

    a) Plot: The orientation is the introduction of the main characters, a male and a female teenager who are neighbor. The female character was smitten with her neighbor and they both communicate with each other regularly. She was pictured to be an unattractive teenager who does not have the courage to express her feelings. In the next scene, for the rising action, the male character was seen to have a partner, a cheerleader in the school, who is controlling of the male character and is flirtatious. Climax set in during prom when the female character decided to dress up and ended up looking attractive. The narrative ended with the male character falling in love with the female character.

    b) Setting: There are two main settings shown in the video. First, it is around the neighborhood of the main characters and second, a high school.

    c) Character: There are three characters in the video. First, it is an unattractive but kind girl who is not popular in school. Second, it is a young dashing teenage boy who is both popular and kind. Third, is a jealous, flirtatious but attractive girl.

    d) Theme: to be kind

    Names of group members:

  2. RE: Taylor Swift, I belong with you (Ahmad, Tom, Harry)

    You mentioned that the theme of this video is "to be kind". Could you elaborate further? Thank you.

