Wednesday, September 28, 2011

In Class Activity

Hi everyone!

Thank you for coming to class prepared with your narrative compositions. I hope all of you have successfully recorded your podcasts of these writing. Now it is time for you to listen to your partner's work and assess them based on their oral reading skills.

You may give them marks based on the rubrics below (click on the image).

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Narrative Writing: Mr Bean

Hello again class,

You have done a great job in identifying the features of a narrative composition. After today's lesson on how to get down to working on the actual composition, it is now your turn to have a hand at writing.

Your task now is to view the silent Mr Bean movie below, and create a narrative story based on what is being depicted. The length of the story should be approximately three minutes long when read out.

You are also to save-4 screenshots from the video, it into a thumb drive, and bring it to class.

Once you are done with your composition, bring it to class. We will be having an immensely exciting lesson involving your product! :)

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Hi students, welcome to this blog! Here, you will learn all about narrative compositions.

To navigate, do refer to the tabs above for your instructions, information on narrative stories, and the tasks you have to complete.

You may leave a comment here if you have any queries regarding this lesson.

Most importantly, have fun! :D